
Click to view the Christian Legacy Collection

Click to view the Christian Legacy Collection
Psalm 145:3-6 Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; His greatness no one can fathom. One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts. They will speak of your glorious splendor or your majesty, and I will mediate on your wonderful works. They will tell of hte power or your awesome works, and I will proclaim your great deeds. NIV

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The First Step is the Hardest

There are no extroverts here at the Spell home. We try to push ourselves outside of our bubble and "stretch" ourselves as they say when it's necessary  but it's never easy. I am fine once I get to know you  but entering a new room of people who all know each other and I don't know a soul... not my idea of a good time. I have been involved with a church home since I was 12 years old. Going to church and to small group (aka Sunday School) is a privilege. We love having a church home. It's a great support system. However, just like anything else, sometimes change is uncomfortable. Last year our small group leader needed a break from teaching at the same time as other transitions  were occurring. Our entire group disbanded. We were all reluctantly in search of a new small group. Now, I realize that for some (the "extroverts") this would be a new adventure but not for me. I was comfortable there. I  knew everyone. I loved my little group. Our present church is a huge church. Many, many, many people attend every Sunday and we only know a small portion of them. However, because of circumstance we had resolved that we would visit multiple groups several times and not just land in the first class we visited (the stretching I was referring to). I realized through this process of visiting between many different classes a few times each that the first step was the hardest. After you were there and people spoke to you it was fun. It was just the walking in part that was difficult.  Gaining new perspective is so important. We had been in our former class for a number of years. Visitors would come and go. We would meet them and try to be warm and friendly, but I had forgotten how difficult it was to break into a new group. I would imagine it would even be more challenging going to church for the very first time as an adult. Even though the door is always open at every Bible believing church, walking through the door to the first available seat, now that is the challenge. It takes courage. It did for me when I was just 12 and joined my first church. God has blessed me through the years. Though we have moved from various churches for various reasons we still have a connection with our "church family"  from years ago and currently. Every Sunday we come together to worship the Living God and unite as a body of believers. We lift each other up in prayer and support each other in times of greatness and times of challenge. The courage pays off. Being able to worship and serve along side other believers is a true blessing.

"For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them" (Matt. 18:20). 


  1. You're really neat and I love your blog...and your photos!

  2. What a nice first comment!. Thanks for the encouragement. :-)
