
Click to view the Christian Legacy Collection

Click to view the Christian Legacy Collection
Psalm 145:3-6 Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; His greatness no one can fathom. One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts. They will speak of your glorious splendor or your majesty, and I will mediate on your wonderful works. They will tell of hte power or your awesome works, and I will proclaim your great deeds. NIV

Friday, August 27, 2010

The Christian Legacy Collection...How it all began

There is a common thread in every stock photography book I have ever read... "find your niche".  I am sure I am no different than most photographers out there. I finally began devoting time to a hobby I loved. Got a brand new shiny camera and I took pictures of both the moving and non-moving, from tractor tires to pumpkins to toy cars.  I tried to remember everything I had ever been taught and began educating myself.  I took thousands of photos and learned everything I could in Photoshop. There is nothing wrong with that. Right? However, there does come a time though, perhaps when you are trying to organize and keyword all those photos, that you feel like you need to narrow  your scope. I had finally reached that point. Actually, I knew I was way beyond that point. I began thinking and thinking and thinking. The more I thought, the less I knew about myself. Honestly, I just couldn't figure it out. What was the one subject I already had a base of knowledge on that would be interesting art... AND worthy of my time? I began praying and pouring my heart out to the Lord that He help me to identify a clear direction. What is it going to be Lord??? Babies or flowers??? Perhaps weddings or  Architecture?  My favorite Sunday School teacher used to always say "Wouldn't it be nice if God would just send  a postcard?" (love you Val).  Still without any clear direction I had decided to just put it all on the table. I participated in the local craft fair and barely sold a thing. As the day progressed, I began to get discouraged. Every time I sat down to have a little pity party someone would come up to my booth of a million photos and pick up one of the same three images. There was a cross, a pew, and attendance board. (Of course, I didn't enlarge these particular photos)  I listened to story after story of how they went to church with their grandma out in the country  and sang hymns with the congregation. Literally, this went on for both days. I was amazed at how people were so transparent and all because of these photos. I, too, loved them, but didn't imagine that anyone else would ever "get" or care about these particular photos. They were so personal to me. I happen to take these photos not because I would ever do something with them but because it represented something relevant to my family. Towards the end of that very long  weekend. The excitement began to build. I felt like the Lord had finally answered my prayer. The craft fair yielded very little monetary revenue BUT it set me on a path. My husband and I were both full of energy about this potential photo essay. The idea that my photos would potentially be relevant in the lives of others was motivating. I was in. Totally invested into making this happen. I have had some great experiences since that weekend. I have met some great people who love the Lord. I look forward to sharing these stories with you.

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